Friday, January 16, 2009

the human condition

a plane went down yesterday in the middle of New York. the pilot landed that bird on water and made sure his passengers were all safely off of the sinking vessel before he disembarked.

the passengers prayed, made peace, were shocked to find their second life awaited them all and did not squander their moment with pushing to the front of the line, by shoving the infirm to the ground and leaving the injured behind.

the people on that plane made a choice to embrace their new lives and i feel fortunate today being touched by their stories. how amazing that a city known for it's indifference had a harbour full of civilian first responders, ready to put themselves on the line and rescue perfect strangers.
doing the right thing isnt supposed to be a hard choice, but people are lauded for it more and more, because we do it less and less.

thank you, new york. thank you, sully.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

metro observations and other things

this morning i realized (again) how strange i can be. i stare. at everyone. i observe the way people stand, don't make eye contact, and are careless in their appearance. i see how some people really try too hard, and others don't try at all.

for instance, there was a lady wearing a lovely coat on the train this morning and she ruined it with a polyester scarf and polyester gloves that were patterned with fake leopard spots. now, if she had worn one or the other, it would have been chic, however, she chose to wear a bulky coat, with a bulky fur collar and a bulky scarf and bulky gloves with a hideously bulky pattern that simply overpowered her petite 5'1" frame.

on top of it all, her wig was askew.


i suppose my strangeness has its virtues, i am able to tell you these stories that would otherwise go untold.

till soon!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


went for a walk today and whilst it was only a bit drizzly, it was invigorating! i got to walk past the Hay-Adams and be an Obama watcher for a moment. i was chatting with a fellow employee and we discussed the merits of shutting down two (two!) major arteries in the city due to pres-elect security. while i am perfectly ok with keeping this president safe, i am also amazed at the sheer efforts made to do so. h street is shut down, the park is shut down, 16th street is shut down. amazing.

bless him and keep him safe...

anyway, we were remarking on how funny it was that president bush and his wife were in the little yellow church across the street from the pandemonium, yet no one in the crowd knew or seemed to care about who was worshipping that day.

the watchers have spoken.

Friday, January 2, 2009

first time out the gate...whoosh!

now, i will sit. that whoosh was a bit taxing on my poor system.
i get tired just THINKING about the whoosh! funny thing though, i was told i am pretty durn quick for a slow poke. i suppose it's all relative, right? who would be slower than Ms. Nyree? sloths, tectonic plates shifting and the government.

Lovely head of government we are inheriting this year, eh?

perfect logical sense, (ode to you know who!) especially when we have sung "we shall overcome" for so long its become a part of our dna. what does the fist pump and bump mean again? why are our brothers and sisters loving their hair and darker skin now?

what happened to the paper bag litmus test? i think it's being recycled.

anyway, thats all for now, brain is ti-red.
